Book of condolences / Kondolenzbuch

Marcus Maurer

*1966 †2024

In memory of Marcus Maurer, we are opening this digital book of condolences to give everyone the opportunity to express their grief, memories and sympathy. Together let us collect the beautiful moments, small and big stories with Marcus and the meaning Marcus had for us in this place. We have lost a brilliant person, an excellent teacher, an outstanding scientist and a warm-hearted friend. Our thoughts are with his family and all those who were friends and close to him.

We receive numerous inquiries every day regarding donation opportunities. After careful consideration, we have decided to allocate donations to the “Marcus Maurer Fellowship Program” to establish scholarships and travel grants for young physicians and researchers.

If you would like to contribute, you can do so as follows:

Bank: Commerzbank
IBAN: DE16 1608 0000 4848 9269 00
Reference: 10057 Donation MM Fellowship Program

Thank you in advance for your support.

In Gedanken an Marcus Maurer eröffnen wir dieses digitale Kondolenzbuch, um allen die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Trauer, ihre Erinnerungen und ihr Mitgefühl auszudrücken. Lasst uns gemeinsam die schönen Momente, kleinen und großen Geschichten mit Marcus und die Bedeutung, die Marcus für uns hatte, an diesem Ort sammeln. Wir haben einen brillanten Menschen, einen hervorragenden Lehrer, einen herausragenden Wissenschaftler und einen warmherzigen Freund verloren. Unsere Gedanken sind bei seiner Familie sowie allen, die ihm freundschaftlich verbunden waren und ihm nahestanden. 

Wir erhalten täglich zahlreiche Anfragen bezüglich  Spenden-möglichkeiten. Nach reiflicher Überlegung haben wir beschlossen, Spenden für ein “Marcus Maurer Fellowship Program” zu verwenden, um Stipendien und Reisestipendien für junge Ärzte 
und Wissenschaftler zu fördern. 

Wer gerne spenden möchte, kann dies folgendermaßen tun:

GA²LEN e.V. 
Name der Bank: Commerzbank
IBAN: DE16 1608 0000 4848 9269 00
Verwendungszweck: 10057 Spende MM Fellowship Program

Vielen Dank im Voraus.

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177 entries.
Alex Alex from Berlin wrote on September 19, 2024
Als ich Marcus das letzte mal sah, lief er tanzend über den Flur und sang scherzhaft „in a rich man’s world“. Und genau das war er: unendlich reich. Reich an Wissen und Erfahrung, womit er zahlreichen Patienten das Leben erleichtert hat. Reich an Ideen, Scharfsinn, einer unermesslichen Energie und der notwendigen Entschlossenheit, womit er die Forschung erheblich vorangebracht hat. Reich an Witz, Charme, Charisma und Sympathie, womit er ohne jede Eitelkeit oder Aufdringlichkeit alle Aufmerksamkeit auf sich gerichtet hat - jeder hat ihm gern zugehört. Reich an der nie nachlassenden Fähigkeit, sein Team stets in den Mittelpunkt aller Erfolge zu stellen. Reich an der Gabe uns zu motivieren, zu stärken und zu begeistern. Reich an einem tiefen, täglich spürbaren Vertrauen in sein Team und umgeben von Menschen, die ausnahmslos gern mit und für ihn gearbeitet haben. Du wirst für immer fehlen und ich bin dir für immer unendlich dankbar, Teil deines Teams zu sein.
Jörg Lehmann Jörg Lehmann from Leipzig wrote on September 18, 2024
Mit großem Entsetzen haben wir aus der Presse erfahren, dass Marcus von einer Bergwanderung am Lago Maggiore nicht zurückgekehrt ist. Unsere innige Hoffnung, dass er lebend gefunden wird, hat sich leider nicht erfüllt. In dieser schweren Zeit der Trauer sind unsere Gedanken und unser tiefes Mitgefühl bei seiner Familie und seinem Team. Wir trauern mit Euch um einen großartigen Menschen und exzellenten Wissenschaftler und sind zu tiefst dankbar für die Zeit, der wissenschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit, die wir – gewiss in seinem Sinne – mit seinem Team fortsetzen werden. Im Namen meines gesamten Teams Jörg Lehmann
Susanne Winkler Susanne Winkler from Bad Saulgau wrote on September 18, 2024
Liebe Marcus, Es ist einfach so unglaublich und manchmal denke ich, es gibt vielleicht doch noch ein Erwachen aus einem dunklen Traum. Aber nun ist der Funke der Hoffnung erloschen. Deinem unglaublichem Enthusiasmus konnte man sich nicht entziehen. Niemand hat die Bühne so mit Leben und Leidenschaft ausgefüllt und die Zuhörer hingen an deinen Worten. Es war mir außerordentliche Ehre und riesige Freude mit dich gekannt zu haben. Allen Angehörigen und Trauernden mein tiefstes Mitgefühl. Wie auch das Leuchten der Sterne Millionen Jahre anhält, so bleibt auch dein Leuchten in unserem Herzen. Unsere Gedanken sind bei dir
Tanja Burr Tanja Burr from Berlin wrote on September 18, 2024
Lieber Marcus, du warst ein herausragender Mensch und ein toller Chef und du wirst unvergessen bleiben. Ich danke dir für 5 tolle Jahre in deiner Arbeitsgruppe. Es war eine turbulente, interessante und sehr schöne Zeit. Es ist unfassbar, dass du so früh gehen musstest. Meine Gedanken sind bei deiner Familie, deinen Freunden und deinem Team, denen ich viel Kraft für die bevorstehende Zeit wünsche. Ruhe in Frieden, lieber Marcus.
Marianne van Hage Marianne van Hage from Stockholm wrote on September 18, 2024
Dear Marcus, you are greatly missed. I will always remember our wonderful collaboration. Your achievements will never be forgotten. My sincere condolences to your family, friends and colleagues in Berlin.
Gabriele Flohr Gabriele Flohr from Berlin wrote on September 18, 2024
Marcus Maurer, noch im Juli sehe ich Sie im Treppenhaus stehen, wie Sie mir in Ihrer neongelben Fahrradweste zuwinken, ich hatte meine auch gerade angezogen. Sie hatten einfach nur drei Sekunden Pech. Wie oft haben wir schon Glück gehabt?
Katrin & Ellen Katrin & Ellen from Berlin wrote on September 18, 2024
Lieber Marcus, es tut uns im Herzen weh, daß Du nicht mehr bei uns sein kannst. Wir vermissen Dein lebensfrohes, mitreißendes, warmes „Wir-Wesen“ voller Enthusiasmus und, so schien es, stets bereit Pferde zu stehlen. Ich kann mich noch lebhaft an unser erstes richtiges Gespräch erinnern, auf einer Tagung in Hangzhou vor mehr als 10 Jahren. Ich fragte Dich: „Darf ich Ihnen einen Kaffee mitbringen?“. Deine Antwort überraschte mich vollends.: „Auf gar keinen Fall… (Pause)…sagst Du „Sie“ zu mir!“. Wer Dich einmal kennenlernte, den ließ Deine Freude, Energie und Hilfsbereitschaft nicht mehr los. Als ich Dich vor gut einem Jahr um Unterstützung bat, hast Du vertrauensvoll geholfen, ohne viel Federlesen. Nicht nur dafür sind wir Dir sehr dankbar. Was Du uns vorgelebt hast werden wir bewahren. „Do it“! Dein Wesen wird uns allen so unendlich fehlen, für immer. Doch Du bist bei uns, denn Du hast es geschafft, daß wir Deinen Spirit in uns tragen. Unser Beileid und unsere Gebete senden wir an Deine Familie und all jene, die Dich lieben.
Rudolf Valenta Rudolf Valenta from Vienna wrote on September 18, 2024
Dear Marcus, I will miss your smile very much, yours, Rudi
Katherine Cowan Katherine Cowan from UK wrote on September 18, 2024
I am so sorry and shocked to learn that Marcus has died. I did not know him personally but he was such an important part of my journey as an urticaria patient. I discovered the All Things Urticaria podcast at the early stages of my diagnosis. Up until then I had been frightened, lonely and confused about my illness. Marcus’s positivity and optimism changed all that. His words made me feel understood for the first time. He really knew and had such compassion for what patients experience. He gave me hope and understanding about the disease, and made me realise that I wasn’t alone. When I started my treatment I felt reassured about how it would work, and to be patient if it took some time to do so. He made me realise that people do care about this disease and that a whole community of researchers and clinicians were working to help patients like me. This made me feel less isolated and more hopeful. I’m so grateful to Marcus for the work he did to help urticaria patients - from his clinical research to the Ucare app and the podcast where he made the science accessible to people like me. His loss is a terrible tragedy. I hope that his legacy will continue to make a difference to patients. In the meantime, I send heartfelt condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.
Liska Liska from Solingen wrote on September 18, 2024
Lieber Marcus, Wir werden dich sowohl als Mensch als auch als Wissenschaftler schmerzlich vermissen. Wir sind froh und stolz das Leben vieler Menschen mit Urtikaria durch die gemeinsame Arbeit mit dir, ganz nach dem Motto “treat the disease until it‘s gone“, verbessert haben zu dürfen. Ohne dein Engagement, deinen Optimismus und deine Energie wäre dies so nicht möglich gewesen. Du warst einfach ein richtig toller Mensch - Danke dir für alles. Mein tiefes Mitgefühl gilt deiner Familie und deinen Freunden, ich wünsche Ihnen viel Kraft in dieser schweren Zeit und dass die schönen Erinnerungen an dich bald überwiegen.
Kristen Fuller Kristen Fuller from Chapin, SC, USA wrote on September 17, 2024
I'm a writer, and I'm really struggling with where to even begin. I am so very sorry for Dr. Maurer's family and colleagues. When I heard the news that he was missing, it hit very hard. This grief I'm feeling with his death is heavy and I know will be with Jake and I for a while to come. When my son Jake was 14 years old, we were introduced to Dr. Maurer by Dr. Allen Kaplan, our advocate doctor and wise guide through his struggle with Urticaria. At the point we met Dr. Maurer, Jake had lost his quality of life for four years, and we had four more years to go. We came to Berlin twice to have Dr. Maurer do what others could not; prescribe a regimin of treatment that would put his Urticaria into remission. The first time we met him, he said to Jake, "I have a son, and I will treat you like I would treat my son." Being so far from home alone, it was what we needed to hear. We were scared and had lost a lot of hope for a better life for him. Dr. Maurer also read through transcripts I have worked on to be a support book for other patients, and he even met with a publisher to support my work. Every time I or Jake contacted him, he was back with support, encouragement and answers. I have never known a man like him. His selflessness and support for his patients, us, was truly unique not only in his industry, but in any industry. He last contacted Jake the night before he went missing, to tell him that he was on vacation, but that he would set up a call with him if he needed that. To his family, please know that your husband, father, brother, son, uncle and all he was to you- he truly was special. His work and service will live on in so many. Jake, my son, has a wonderful life today due to his dedication to us. I am so very sorry. I will never forget him, and I will do whatever I can to forward the same care to others that he showed to us. My ongoing prayers for you all.
Katharina Wiest Katharina Wiest from Ludwigshafen wrote on September 17, 2024
Lieber Marcus, über 20 Jahre ist unsere Mainzer Zeit her. Es war immer faszinieren wie Du aus Themen, die auf wenig Interesse stiessen, das Beste rausholen konntest. Durch Deine Vorträge überzeugen, so dass man nach dem Vortrag dachte, wahnsinn die Urticaria ist so ein tolles, spannendes Forschungsgebiet. Wir sind alle, die wir damals auf der 4B, 4A und 2A waren total erschüttert. Die Trauer gilt DIr- unsere Anteilnahme Deiner Familie.
Peng Lu Peng Lu from Boston wrote on September 17, 2024
Truly deeply saddened to learn of Professor Marcus Maurer’s passing. Having had the privilege of knowing him for the past ten years, I witnessed firsthand the remarkable passion and dedication he brought to the HAE community. His contributions were not only transformative but also touched the lives of so many patients and colleagues. He was not just a brilliant mind, but also a compassionate and kind-hearted person. His unwavering commitment to advancing the field and helping those affected by HAE will leave an indelible mark on all of us. His loss is deeply felt, and the world is undoubtedly poorer without his presence. My thoughts are with his family, friends, and everyone who had the honor of working with him. Will forever cherish the memories and the impact he made.
Huichun Su Huichun Su from Fuzhou wrote on September 17, 2024
Marcus,today is Mid-Autumn Festival in china,I will send my lovesickness to the bright moon,miss you and thank you for all your help .
Nico Mousdicas Nico Mousdicas from Noblesville Indiana USA wrote on September 17, 2024
I am a Dermatologist who had just recently written an email to Dr. Maurer asking him if he would provide me some material to use in an upcoming PowerPoint presentation. I had been listening to many of his podcasts and watched presentations on YouTube and was truly amazed at his passion for his subject of interest Urticaria. He replied within 24 hours to my email with numerous material for my presentation. I was truly shocked and extremely saddened to hear he went missing after I had sent a second email asking for his advice on a particular. Scientists of his calibre, compassion and passion are rare. The world has lost a true visionary. I would have loved to have met him in person. RIP Professor Maurer
Christin Christin from Berlin wrote on September 17, 2024
Lieber Marcus, 6 Jahre durfte ich dich begleiten und es waren bis jetzt die schönsten meiner Arbeitszeit. Du hast Menschen zusammengebracht, die besser nicht zusammenpassen können. Du hast uns zum besten Team der Welt gemacht. Dafür danke ich dir. Wir werden deinen Spirit zusammen weitertragen.
Jana Präßler Jana Präßler wrote on September 17, 2024
Obwohl er so viele Tage als vermisst galt, und ein unversehrtes Auffinden unwahrscheinlich wurde, fällt es dennoch schwer zu glauben, dass Marcus Maurer nicht mehr physisch präsent ist und sein wird. Ich habe ihn als einen Menschen kennengelernt, der offen, progressiv und mitreißend war, mit guter Laune, ein angenehmes Klima für die Gruppe schaffend. Er verstand es, Teams zu bilden und Menschen zu fördern. Er war im professionellen Kontakt unkompliziert, sehr nahbar, nicht vom professoralen Thron herab, sondern auf Augenhöhe. Mein tiefes Mitgefühl gilt allen, die ihm persönlich nahe standen, wegen des unwiederbringlichen Verlustes und auch wegen der zehrenden Ungewissheit der vergangenen Wochen. Marcus Maurer bleibt in Erinnerung als außergewöhnliche Persönlichkeit und Vorbild. Und als (Zitat): Rockstar!
NOUCOR HEALTH NOUCOR HEALTH from Barcelona wrote on September 17, 2024
We want to take a moment to thank you for everything you gave us. Your boundless energy, charisma, and passion were truly remarkable, both in your work and in the way you lived your life. You inspired us not just with your incredible talent, but with the kindness and humility that you carried with you every day. You had a way of making everyone feel seen, heard, and valued. Your work made a difference in the urticaria field, and we are forever grateful to have had the chance to know you, to learn from you, and most importantly, to call you a friend. We feel incredibly fortunate to have shared moments of joy and wisdom with you. Thank you for everything you were, and for all the memories you’ve left behind. Your light will continue to shine in our hearts, and though you are no longer with us, your spirit, your generosity, and your friendship will stay with us always. You will be missed more than words can express, but never forgotten. To your family and loved ones, we send our deepest condolences, may they find comfort in the memories and love you shared with the world. Iñaki, María José, Mireia, Carmina, Aina, Cristina and all the Noucor Team.
Maia Gotua/Center of Allergy and Immunology Maia Gotua/Center of Allergy and Immunology from Tbilisi wrote on September 17, 2024
We are deeply saddened by the sudden and untimely loss of Professor Marcus Maurer, an esteemed leader in dermatology and allergy, with over 850 published articles and 55 books and chapters that greatly advanced allergy research and treatment. Prof. Marcus Maurer played a key role in founding the GA2LEN Urticaria and Angioedema Network of Reference and Excellence - UCARE/ACARE. These over 100 centers worldwide are a testament to Prof. Marcus Maurer’s dedication to building strong relationships between patients and physicians who provide exceptional clinical care and lead pioneering research. He was deeply devoted to enhancing patient care, advancing research, and elevating patient voices through educational initiatives. Prof. Marcus Maurer’s contributions to the Center of Allergy and Immunology, Tbilisi, Georgia is so huge. He warmly hosted us at Charité and conducted a comprehensive audit in Tbilisi for UCARE, ACARE, and ADCARE certification. Since 2018, he paved the way for a valuable friendship and collaboration between us and Charité, personally engaging with us and other UCARE and ACARE Centers worldwide. As a result, we have consistently participated in GA2LEN Meetings, Webinars, LevelUp/Journal Clubs, Forums, etc. We collaborated on research projects, published scientific articles, book chapters, and guidelines. Most importantly, through this cooperation, we gained many new friends and colleagues. Today, we are proudly double-certified as a UCARE/ACARE and ADCARE Center (Atopic Dermatitis Network of Reference and Excellence), and we have recently joined the Anaphylaxis and Food Allergy - ANACARE Network after certification. Professor Marcus Maurer was a steadfast supporter of all initiatives. His leadership and exceptional interpersonal skills allowed him to develop various collaborative activities within the UCARE/ACARE Network, where he served as a driving force behind these efforts. His attention, encouragement, scientific passion, and tireless work were exemplary models for us to follow. He continuously inspired us with fresh ideas, new research interests, and an unwavering dedication. Someone who always finds a way is often described as resourceful and highly gifted. Such individuals possess a remarkable ability to solve problems and develop creative solutions, even in situations where others might struggle. Resourceful people excel at thinking outside the box, finding alternative approaches, and making the most of available resources to achieve their goals. Professor Marcus Maurer embodied these qualities. His motto was "Never give up!" and he was a constant source of help, always finding solutions no matter the circumstances. His sudden and mysterious death is truly heartbreaking and difficult to comprehend. Our thoughts are with his family, friends, and everyone who had the privilege of working with him. Words cannot convey the depth of our sorrow or how much we will miss our beloved Marcus.
Ana Ana from Leipzig wrote on September 17, 2024
The world lost one of a kind. A brilliant researcher, a charismatic leader who could infect everyone with his passion for mast cells. You were already an experienced researcher in a leadership position but helped us with our experiments on a Saturday! I was pregnant with my second daughter who is 15 now and it still feels like yesterday. The last time we talked on the phone you were as always kind and open and so funny. I learned a lot from you and I am forever thankful. My sincere condolences to your family, friends and closest colleagues in Berlin. 💖💖