Book of condolences / Kondolenzbuch

Marcus Maurer

*1966 †2024

In memory of Marcus Maurer, we are opening this digital book of condolences to give everyone the opportunity to express their grief, memories and sympathy. Together let us collect the beautiful moments, small and big stories with Marcus and the meaning Marcus had for us in this place. We have lost a brilliant person, an excellent teacher, an outstanding scientist and a warm-hearted friend. Our thoughts are with his family and all those who were friends and close to him.

We receive numerous inquiries every day regarding donation opportunities. After careful consideration, we have decided to allocate donations to the “Marcus Maurer Fellowship Program” to establish scholarships and travel grants for young physicians and researchers.

If you would like to contribute, you can do so as follows:

Bank: Commerzbank
IBAN: DE16 1608 0000 4848 9269 00
Reference: 10057 Donation MM Fellowship Program

Thank you in advance for your support.

In Gedanken an Marcus Maurer eröffnen wir dieses digitale Kondolenzbuch, um allen die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Trauer, ihre Erinnerungen und ihr Mitgefühl auszudrücken. Lasst uns gemeinsam die schönen Momente, kleinen und großen Geschichten mit Marcus und die Bedeutung, die Marcus für uns hatte, an diesem Ort sammeln. Wir haben einen brillanten Menschen, einen hervorragenden Lehrer, einen herausragenden Wissenschaftler und einen warmherzigen Freund verloren. Unsere Gedanken sind bei seiner Familie sowie allen, die ihm freundschaftlich verbunden waren und ihm nahestanden. 

Wir erhalten täglich zahlreiche Anfragen bezüglich  Spenden-möglichkeiten. Nach reiflicher Überlegung haben wir beschlossen, Spenden für ein “Marcus Maurer Fellowship Program” zu verwenden, um Stipendien und Reisestipendien für junge Ärzte 
und Wissenschaftler zu fördern. 

Wer gerne spenden möchte, kann dies folgendermaßen tun:

GA²LEN e.V. 
Name der Bank: Commerzbank
IBAN: DE16 1608 0000 4848 9269 00
Verwendungszweck: 10057 Spende MM Fellowship Program

Vielen Dank im Voraus.

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251 entries.
Alice Dufour-Feronce Alice Dufour-Feronce from Berlin wrote on January 10, 2025
It's only today – several months later – that I've managed to make an entry in your book of condolences. The initial shock has subsided somewhat. Thoughts have been put in order. Our collaboration began in the summer of 2022: After many years of being self-employed abroad, I wasn't quite sure at the beginning how the transition to being an employee would work out for me. You quickly dispelled this uncertainty. You showed me how to lead a team that works independently on its own initiative and I was quickly happy to be part of this team. The resulting high level of motivation made my work a lot of fun. Fast communication, well-thought-out feedback, moving forward together. That was the credo of our two-year collaboration, and it still is now! This way of working continues with all great employees and new core leaders. Everyone has internalized your enthusiasm and words: Do it! Never give up! I will continue to take your teachings with me and I want to thank you for allowing me to learn so much from you in such a short time. Rest in peace. Alice
Emek Kocatürk Emek Kocatürk from Berlin wrote on January 8, 2025
Marcus and death...these two words were unimaginable together...he seemed so far from death, he was such integrated with life, so much filled with energy and joy for life...he had so many things to do, so many plans, so many meetings, so many projects...Now I understand why he was in such a hurry...flying from one city to another...rushing from one meeting to another...HE WAS SHORT OF TIME IN THIS WORLD... I was so concerned about your health in the last few months...I do not know why...I was thinking what if something happens to Marcus?? Because you were not really taking care of your health!! In one of our last meetings I said ''LONG LIVE MARCUS''.... As I read along the condolence book and after talking to many of my friends, who got the torch from you, I see now, how many lives you touched, in how many scientists’ heart and mind you put the fire for science, research and good patient care. And you also cared a lot for your patients. You shaped my life in an unchangable way… you gave me a path to walk on…you opened the doors for me…it seemed so easy for you, but you DID SO MUCH, without even recognizing it… Now we are left with your memories and pictures Marcus... It is so difficult to come to Paul Ehrlich Haus and feel your absence…but it is getting better day by day…But still I find it so unfair that you are not with us anymore and the humanity can not benefit from your deep knowledge and intelligence…THIS IS SO UNFAIR! We will keep going Marcus, don’t worry…We are a crowded group of people here in the world, who got that passion to move the science of mast cells and urticariology forward -basically you injected that to us-…We will continue working and will continue your legacy. We will keep doing research, write papers, take good care of our patients and continue increasing awareness. Yes, you will always be with us, in our hearts… Best wishes Emek
Astrid Weitmann Astrid Weitmann from Berlin wrote on January 6, 2025
Mein tief empfundenes Beileid an die Familie, Freunde und Kollegen von Herrn Professor Maurer. Auch wenn ich ihn nie persönlich kennengelernt habe - auf der damaligen Plattform zum Austausch von Urtikaria-Patienten war er immer wieder als Kommentator/Ratgeber zu finden. Diese Plattform war über viele Jahre unendlich wichtig für mich gewesen! Der Dank dafür kann gar nicht groß genug ausfallen!
Magan Ali Magan Ali from Hargeisa wrote on December 17, 2024
It is with a heavy heart that I express my deepest condolences for the loss. Your generosity and selflessness have left an indelible mark on my life. Your guidance and wisdom will always be cherished. May you rest in peace. My thoughts and prayers are with your family and loved ones during this difficult time. With deepest sympathy, Magan Ali
M.P. M.P. from Nordrhein-Westfalen wrote on November 23, 2024
As a patient you gave me hope in my darkest times. Your passion for mast cells and for people was extraordinary and impressive. I am deeply sad about this tragedy. My condolences go to your family, friends and colleagues. Forever grateful for everything you have done. Your legacy will be eternal. Rest in peace.
j. m. signature j. m. signature from berlin wrote on November 17, 2024
Nearly 20 years ago, during a very challenging time in my life, Prof. Maurer's care and expertise made an incredible difference. Without his help, I would not have been able to complete my studies, which ultimately shaped the foundation of my career today. I am deeply saddened by this tragic loss. His professional care, intelligence, dedication, talent and kindness made a lasting impression on me. I will always remain grateful for his dedication and compassion. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to his family during this time of grief.
Jose Antonio Ortega Martell Jose Antonio Ortega Martell from Pachuca, Hidalgo, México wrote on November 13, 2024
It is with deep sadness that we learned this news in Mexico. Professor Marcus Maurer will always live in our memory as a kind, intelligent human being dedicated to helping us understand the most complex aspects of allergic diseases, especially Urticaria, Angioedema and Atopic Dermatitis. Rest in peace dear Prof Maurer
Tj Pyper Tj Pyper from Dunedin wrote on November 8, 2024
Just found out today through his podcast that he past. Saddest news ive heard in a while. 18 years I've suffered with Chronic Hives and this man here is one of the reasons I still hold on to this life. If not for him and his information and message of hope, im not sure where i'd be. I had actually wished to meet him in person one day and thank him. On your behalf anyone that I can help in the future, I will be sure to mention the name, Prof. Marcus Maurer. Thank you!
Elke Brüns Elke Brüns from Berlin wrote on November 7, 2024
Ich habe Prof. Maurer nie persönlich getroffen, ihn aber online erlebt - als sehr sympathischen, klugen und witzigen Menschen. Ich bin sehr traurig, dass er nicht mehr unter uns weilt. Mein sehr herzliches Beileid gilt seiner Famile, Freunden und Kolleg:innen.
rosaly Vieira dos Santos rosaly Vieira dos Santos from Curitiba wrote on November 6, 2024
É a terceira vez que escrevo e agora em português e preciso escrever o que, de tantas lembranças incríveis , a minha despedida de doutorado que guardarei com muito carinho. Sempre serei grata por tanto que recebi de você, e da sua família, no dia da minha despedida de doutorado na sua casa. Você com a camiseta do Brasil e todos da equipe também, fui tão bem recebida, fizemos tantas caipirinhas. Meus sentimentos à família. Você continua sendo gigante, um brilho enorme, mesmo neste outro mundo.
Daria Daria from Moscow wrote on November 5, 2024
Dear Marcus , again I have to say sorry for the delay with the words … as it happed plenty of times with the responds to emails … life without you will never be the same .. so bright- thanks to your energy and enthusiasm , warm- thanks to your smile and friendship , interesting thanks to your forehead seeing’s in all the initiatives … rest in peace , we do miss you so much …
Maximilian-P. Heck Maximilian-P. Heck from Gladenbach wrote on October 24, 2024
An die Familie und die Kolleginnen und Kollegen. Mein herzliches Beileid und viel Kraft für die kommende Zeit. Ohne das Wirken von Prof. Mauerer und seinen Einsatz mit dem Team - wäre ich heute nicht da wo ich bin. DANKE
ZEGHINA Ibtissem ZEGHINA Ibtissem from Constantine, ALGERIA wrote on October 19, 2024
It is with great sorrow that I mourn the passing of Prof. Marcus Maurer. He was not only a brilliant professional but also a truly inspiring person who made a lasting impact on all who had the privilege to know him. I will forever be grateful for the chance he gave me to work in his lab and for the invaluable support from his entire team. The recognition I received there is something I will always hold dear. My heartfelt condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues. His memory will continue to inspire us all.
Dana Gregor Dana Gregor from Westheim wrote on October 18, 2024
Ich habe ihn als Referenten erleben dürfen. Er hat mich sehr beeindruckt! Persönlich hat er auch einen sehr freundlichen Eindruck bei mir hinterlassen. Ich wünsche der Familie viel Kraft!
yora mostmans yora mostmans from Brussels wrote on October 17, 2024
Our sincere condolences to his family and friends, from the Allergology-Immunology department at CHU Brugmann Brussels, Belgium. It was a pleasure working with Prof. Dr. Maurer on several research projects over the years. His generosity in sharing knowledge was endless. I am specifically grateful for his insightful feedback, constructive appraisals and encouragement. His availability and personal approach have enriched my academic experience. Thank you for all the literature and scientific contributions, it has shaped the trajectory of my research as well as my person.
Yi-Kui Xiang Yi-Kui Xiang from Shanghai Skin Disease Hospital wrote on October 16, 2024
If a story makes you heartbroken when it ends, it must have been pretty wonderful when it was happening. In my six years here at AG Maurer, working alongside with Marcus, I never experienced anything but joy and fulfillment. I miss you so much, Marcus.
Dr Arno Kromminga Dr Arno Kromminga from Hamburg wrote on October 13, 2024
Ich habe soeben von der Nachricht gelesen und bin zutiefst bestürzt. Ich habe Marcus vor Jahren noch in Mainz kennengelernt und wir haben einiges gemeinsam publiziert. Ich habe Marcus seitdem immer wieder gesehen und gesprochen und habe ihn als offenen und neugierigen Wissenschaftler sehr geschätzt. Sehr traurige Nachricht. Mein tiefstes Beileid.
Dr. Gurwich Smadar Dr. Gurwich Smadar from Israel wrote on October 13, 2024
So shocked and devestated to find about the departure of the dearest prof.Maurer. Not only a best doctor , most skillful in his specialty, but a wonderful caring warm personality. He was so much into helping medically and personally , which can nit be taken for granted. We will miss him , and keep his memory as the best ever humane Allergologist- for me. Pitty no one sustituted him. May he rest in peace. Will always be remembered as an angel. Fr. Gurwich - Israel.🌹
Kim & Jim Varone Kim & Jim Varone from Las Vegas wrote on October 12, 2024
Sending much love to the Maurer and Urcioli families. Reading these stories reflects what a wonderful man Marcus was.
Rohit Saluja Rohit Saluja from Hyderabad India wrote on October 10, 2024
It is with a heavy heart that I write this condolence message for Professor Marcus Maurer. I had the immense privilege of working with him from 2011 to 2014, and those years were among the most meaningful in my life and career. Marcus was not only an extraordinary clinician and brilliant scientist but, above all, a deeply compassionate human being. Despite being one of the busiest people in the world, he always made time to help others with a generosity of spirit that was truly rare. I learned so much in his lab, and I am forever grateful for his guidance and support. Without his mentorship, I could not have reached the goals I have today. His impact on my life and career is immeasurable, and I will always cherish the memories of the time we spent together. Marcus, it is heartbreaking to have to remember you in this way. I wish I could have expressed to you just how much I respected you, how much I admired you, and how often I thought of you—both when you were here and even now that you are gone. Your legacy lives on in the hearts of everyone you touched. Whether in this world or another, you will forever remain alive in my heart and memory. I will miss you, Marcus, and I will always carry your smile and your kindness with me. With deepest respect and sorrow, Rohit