
Publications, Books, Book Chapters and Reviews by Prof. Marcus Maurer, MD

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IgE Mediated Autoallergy against Thyroid Peroxidase – A Novel Pathomechanism of Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria?

Filename 107. Altrichter et al, IgE ag. thyroid peroxidase, 2011 PLOS One.pdf
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Version o.107
Date added May 28, 2020
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Category Original Work
Authors Altrichter, S., Peter, H.-J., Pisarevskaja, D., Metz, M., Martus, P., and Maurer, M.
Citation Altrichter, S., Peter, H.-J., Pisarevskaja, D., Metz, M., Martus, P., and Maurer, M.: IgE mediated autoallergy against thyroid peroxidase – a novel pathomechanism of chronic spontaneous urticaria? PLoS ONE 2011: 6; e14794.
Corresponding authors Maurer, M.
DocNum o.107
DocType PDF
Edition; Page 6; e14794
IF 4.09
Publisher PLoS ONE
ReleaseDate 2011

Background: Chronic spontaneous urticaria (csU), which is characterized by recurrent episodes of mast cell-driven wheal and flare-type skin reactions, is often associated with elevated total IgE levels and thyroid autoimmunity. We speculate that some csU patients express IgE autoantibodies against thyroid antigens such as thyroid peroxidase (TPO), which could bind
to skin mast cells and induce their activation.

Methods: We developed and used a site-directed human IgE capture ELISA to quantify IgE-anti-TPO. We used this assay and investigated csU patients (n = 478) and healthy control subjects (n = 127) for IgE-anti-TPO and then assessed IgE-anti-TPOpositive and -negative csU patients for clinical and serological differences.

Principal Findings: CsU patients were found to express more than 2fold higher IgE-anti-TPO serum levels as compared to healthy control subjects (p,0.001). 54% of csU patients had serum levels higher than the cut off ( = 5 IU/ml). By distribution analyses we identified two distinct subpopulations of csU patients: 1) IgE-anti-TPOlow ( = 39%, IgE-anti-TPO: median 2.17 interquartile range 0.86–5.44, = comparable to healthy controls) and 2) IgE-anti-TPOhigh ( = 61%, IgE-anti-TPO: median 6.67, interquartile range 5.39–8.24). IgE-anti-TPO-positive and -negative csU patients had very similar distributions of age and gender as well as disease activity and duration. IgE-anti-TPO-positive csU patients exhibited significantly higher IgG-antiTPO levels and lymphocyte counts as well as decreased C4 complement levels.

Conclusion: Our findings show that a sizeable subgroup of csU patients expresses IgE antibodies against thyroid
peroxidase. These autoantibodies could cause ‘‘autoallergic’’ mast cell activation, a novel pathomechanism of chronic
spontaneous urticaria.


(Last update: 09.2024)

Number of original publications in peer-reviewed journals:626
Number of reviews in peer-reviewed journals:221
Number of publications (original work and reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:847
Cumulative IF for original publications in peer-reviewed journals:4432.59
Cumulative IF for reviews in peer-reviewed journals:1648.22
Cumulative IF of publications (original work & reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:6080.81
Total number of citations: 38,608, h-index: 99 (Web of Science September 2024)38,608


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