
Publications, Books, Book Chapters and Reviews by Prof. Marcus Maurer, MD

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Long-term safety of icatibant treatment of patients with angioedema in real-world clinical practice

Filename 273. Zanichelli et al., Long-term Icatibant,Allergy 2017.pdf
Filesize 117.18 KB
Version o.273
Date added July 30, 2020
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Category Original Work
Tags angioedema, Icatibant, real-world, Safety
Authors Zanichelli, A., Maurer, M. Aberer, W., Caballero, T., Longhurst, H., Bouillet, L., Fabien, V., and Andresen, I.
Citation Zanichelli, A., Maurer, M. Aberer, W., Caballero, T., Longhurst, H., Bouillet, L., Fabien, V., and Andresen, I.: Long-term safety of icatibant treatment of patients with angioedema in real-world clinical practice. Allergy 2017: 72; 994-998.
Corresponding authors Zanichelli, A
DocNum o.273
DocType PDF
Edition; Page 72; 994-998
IF 6.05
Publisher Allergy
ReleaseDate 2017

The Icatibant Outcome Survey (IOS) is an observational study monitoring safetyand effectiveness of icatibant in the real-world setting. We analyzed safety datafrom 3025 icatibant-treated attacks in 557 patients (enrolled between July 2009and February 2015). Icatibant was generally well tolerated. Excluding off-labeluse and pregnancy, 438 patients (78.6%) did not report adverse events (AEs).The remaining 119 (21.4%) patients reported 341 AEs, primarily gastrointestinaldisorders (19.6%). Of these, 43 AEs in 17 patients (3.1%) were related to icati-bant. Serious AEs (SAEs) occurred infrequently. A total of 143 SAEs occurred in59 (10.6%) patients; only three events (drug inefficacy, gastritis, and refluxesophagitis) in two patients were considered related to icatibant. Notably, noSAEs related to icatibant occurred in patients with cardiovascular disease, nor inthose using icatibant at a frequency above label guidelines. Additionally, nomajor differences were noted in AEs occurring in on-labelvsoff-label icatibantusers.


(Last update: 09.2024)

Number of original publications in peer-reviewed journals:626
Number of reviews in peer-reviewed journals:221
Number of publications (original work and reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:847
Cumulative IF for original publications in peer-reviewed journals:4432.59
Cumulative IF for reviews in peer-reviewed journals:1648.22
Cumulative IF of publications (original work & reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:6080.81
Total number of citations: 38,608, h-index: 99 (Web of Science September 2024)38,608


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