
Publications, Books, Book Chapters and Reviews by Prof. Marcus Maurer, MD

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State of care for patients with systemic autoinflammatory diseases – Results of a tertiary care survey

Filename 344. Chuamanochan et al., State of care autoinflamm.,WAO J 2019.pdf
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Category Original Work
Tags Autoinflammatory disease, State of care, Survey
Authors Chuamanochan, M., Weller, K., Feist, E., Kallinich, T., Maurer, M., Kümmerle-Deschner, J., and Krause, K.
Citation Chuamanochan, M., Weller, K., Feist, E., Kallinich, T., Maurer, M., Kümmerle-Deschner, J., and Krause, K.: State of care for patients with systemic autoinflammatory diseases – results of a tertiary care survey. World Allergy Organ. J. 2019: 12; 100019.
Corresponding authors Krause, K.
DocNum O.344
DocType PDF
Edition; Page 12; 100019
IF TBD (IF 2018: 3.68)
Publisher World Allergy Organ. J.
ReleaseDate 2019

Background: Systemic autoinflammatory diseases (SAIDs) are rare debilitating disorders of which there is limited awareness and a significant delay in diagnosis. There is no uniform approach in the diagnosis and treatment of these disorders and the real life state of SAID patient care is poorly characterized. The aim of this study was to obtain data on the epidemiology, state of care and the perception of physicians who are involved in the care of SAID patients.

Methods: We performed a questionnaire-based survey and contacted 134 university departments of dermatology, pediatrics, rheumatology and other SAID departments of tertiary care in German-speaking countries.

Results: A total of 37 departments participated in the survey. The majority of departments managed both adult and pediatric patients with a variety of monogenic and polygenic/acquired SAIDs. For monogenic SAIDs such as cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS) and familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), the diagnostic and treatment strategies were similar among the departments. The diagnostic work-up included inflammatory markers and genetic testing, the first line treatment interleukin-1 (IL-1) blockers for CAPS and colchicine for FMF. For polygenic/acquired SAIDs, we observed a significant heterogeneity in diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. As a major unmet need, diagnostic delay was identified with a median time to diagnosis of 2 (range 1–5) years. The overall state of care for SAID patients was rated to be excellent or good by only 12% of departments, and to be poor or non-sufficient by 40% of departments.

Conclusion: This study demonstrates a high need to improve the state of care and to harmonize diagnostic and treatment strategies for SAID patients.


(Last update: 09.2024)

Number of original publications in peer-reviewed journals:626
Number of reviews in peer-reviewed journals:221
Number of publications (original work and reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:847
Cumulative IF for original publications in peer-reviewed journals:4432.59
Cumulative IF for reviews in peer-reviewed journals:1648.22
Cumulative IF of publications (original work & reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:6080.81
Total number of citations: 38,608, h-index: 99 (Web of Science September 2024)38,608


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